Moving the Margins: Fiction & Inclusion MOOC-Pack

Session 2:

Welcome to Session 2, Re-Visions. Below you will find the materials for this class session in the suggested class progression. You can use these materials to lead or host a study-group or workshop. To download the materials, click the buttons and open the downloaded files.

1. Read the texts

The text readings are related to the session two videos and assignment. For each listed reading, a link to the full online text is provided.

2. Respond to discussion questions

Below is an example of a discussion question for session two:

3. Listen to the podcast and watch the video

These are the podcast and craft talk videos for session two. Click the button to open in Vimeo, where you can play the video or click the download button to download it. If you have a weak internet connection, downloading the video will allow you to watch it on your computer or phone without using the internet. 


A. You can click & view or download the transcripts, which are text-only files. This will allow you to read the content without streaming or downloading video and audio.

4. Written assignment

This is an example of a writing assignment for session two. The assignment is related to the session two texts and videos.