Welcome to the IWP Online Campus! Here you will find our MOOCpacks, which contain course content and teaching tools from the International Writing Program's Massive Open Online Courses in creative writing and literature. MOOCpacks can be used to lead community workshops or local study groups. A MOOCpack is not the live, online version of the MOOC; it is a toolkit that provides the content of the live MOOC for your use in a face-to-face setting.
How Writers Write Fiction 2016: Storied Women MOOCpack
Available now!
Whitman's Civil War: Writing and Imaging Loss, Death, and Disaster MOOCpack
Coming Spring 2017
#Flashwrite Teen Poetry MOOCpack
Available now!
How Writers Write Fiction 2015 MOOCpack
Available now!
How Writers Write Poetry 2015 MOOCpack
Available now!
How Writers Write Fiction 2014 MOOCpack
Coming December 2016
How Writers Write Poetry 2014 MOOCpack
Coming December 2016
Every Atom: Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself" MOOCpack
Available now!
For questions regarding the MOOCpacks, please contact us at distancelearning.iwp@gmail.com.
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