Social Justice Collection
In this Craft Talk Pack, we feature a few of the writers who explore the world of social justice writing. They show us ways to turn our writing into instruments for social change.
Priya Dala
Priya discusses her work as a fiction writer and how to craft a novel around an important social issue. She considers how to use characters and their experience to illustrate the facts of a social issue. Finally, she instructs how to present both sides of a social issue, which allows the reader to come to their own opinion about the issue.
Keywords: Social injustice; character development; research
Kei Miller
Kei discusses his work as a poet and the intrinsic politics of language that exist in our writing. He asks us to consider how our language chooses which groups to offer power to and which groups are left unrepresented. He defines good poems as ones that notice the world as being insufficiently defined.
Keywords: Social injustice; Power; Voice
Lucy Bledsoe
Lucy discusses her work as a writer of fiction and social justice. She encourages us to write with a social justice agenda through characters, understanding our characters at their deepest levels, using a character's relationships to enrich the story's social justice message, and things to avoid as we write about social injustice.
Keywords: Social injustice; character development; plot, relationships
Dana Levin
Dana discusses her work as a poet and how we can craft a "protest" about an issue that we care about while keeping the reader engaged and open-minded. She explores how poetry is an act of writing and a task of listening to the poem and its concerns. She challenges us to reflect on ourselves and our own contribution to the social problems that we write about.
Keywords: Social injustice; voice; self-reflection
Tameka Cage Conley
Tameka discusses her work as a playwright, including their recent libretto, and how to construct powerful arguments within sensitive topics. Tameka speaks about the transformative power of plays and how to use the natural world to expand a story. She discusses the power of using our own life circumstances to write about social issues.
Keywords: Social injustice; Constructing arguments; Form
Prageeta Sharma
Prageeta discusses her work as a poet and a teacher of writing that is conscious of social identities. She discusses several important concepts such as whiteness, tokenism, and queerness, and the need to center these concepts in classroom pedagogy.
Keywords: Social injustice; social identity; pedagogy
Kazim Ali
Kazim discusses his work as a poet and the tremendous weight that is carried by poets of Color and poets from other marginalized identities. He discusses the ways that the political is personal and how this can be intimately linked to our writing and the importance of critiquing our own positionality in our writing.
Keywords: Political writing; social injustice
Vladimir Poleganov
Vladimir discusses his work as a fiction writer and how we can use character voice and background details to enhance the social aspects of a novel. He explores how social issues can be used both in realistic and in fantasy writing, as well as writing about social issues via a character's personal and psychological life.
Keywords: Social identity; environment; social injustice; allegory